
Comfort Food

Posted on: October 28, 2008



An “original” (plain)- flavored oatmeal packet with a spoonful of peanut butter, drop of honey and some flax.

Snack- A Green Smoothie:




A Morningstar Farms veggie burger, avocado, and pepper wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla.

With a glass of milk and baby carrots. Such pretty colors!

Dinner was an exact repeat of breakfast, times two. Boy was I hungry! I regretted all that fiber, though…



Two slices of hearty flax bread, topped with Ricotta cheese and honey. The honey/cheese combo is one of my new favorites. It’s very rustic- like a meal straight from the Bible, you know? Reminds me of the “land flowing with milk and honey.”

Then I added some flax for some healthy fats. Orange slices on the side- juicy!

I snacked on some baby carrots during school but those didn’t fill me up at all and I came home starving!


A little breakfast platter! Another slice of flax bread, with a side of scrambled eggs with parsley and tomatoes, and a squirt of organic ketchup. I also had a glas of milk (times three). Milk is my new obsession.

I’m relaxing with a cup of coffee for a while before doing things I actually have to do. 😉

By the way, I finished that essay. Finished to perfection? No. But at least I gave it a shot. Thanks for all the advice!

5 Responses to "Comfort Food"

i’m going to have to try a similar version of your ricotta and honey on toast (only with tofutti) because it sounds like a delicious combination! and i love your wrap! i like to layer avocado slices, a fake sausage, and tomato slices on a toasted english muffin.


Kudos for finishing the essay!!

oh yeah
you kno it
bring it on
-licks straw-
you know whats gonna happen once you start drinking milk like shelby right? ;D

liebe sie

Oatmeal is hands-down the BEST comfort food there is!

I love looking at what other people are having to eat!

You’ve just given me a good idea – I’ve got loads of peanut butter that needs eating and I’d forgotten completely how good it is in porridge

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